i take Christian University of Indonesia major English Literature, and i got seven great friends here, they are:
Marsha, Sintia, Elsa, Irene, Hetty, Irma, Patris (Pattie).
we'd like to travel around DKI Jakarta, there are some places we have taken;
Artha Gading (Christian Store)
MM (AW, J.Co, Gramed)
Mega Bekasi (d’cost)
Mangga dua (Harco, Mangga dua square)
Plaza Kalibata (MCD, XXI)
Plaza Semanggi (Payless, Food Court)
PGC (Mcd, KFC)
Mcd Salemba
Atrium Senen
i always have quality time with them ^^
Marsha, Irene, Irma, Sintia, Hetty, Pattie, Gitta
at J.Co Metropolitan Mall, Bekasi. beli 2 lusin Jco buat 7 orang. hohoho..
irma, Gitta, Hetty at J.Co
with Hatty
MCD Salemba
Dekor sastra buat Xmas Celebration :D
with Pattie. xmas celebration in UKI
at Gramedia Plaza Semanggi.
and many more...
thats all for now :D
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