Saturday, May 2, 2020

What happens to school during the COVID-19

Hello there, 

It has been May. The world is running along with Covid-19 for almost 5 months. Then I'd like to see some memes spread around the socmed saying that: 


It is kind of saddddd but it is trueeee. As we know the movie, Jumanji, something like you need to unlock several level with different quests, and you need to be alive and survived from all the treats. 
Each level won't be easy, but harder. Yeahh, the world is facing this kind of situation. 

Some people who are being alive is like a blessing. I myself facing some of friends' relatives whose getting this covid and then died. But some of them are still under the treatment.  Well with or withour covid, life must go on, right? 

What about the other things? Office life? Market life? Social life? 
The world has committed to a physical distancing. It is a good way to be living separately with our toxic enemy, isn't it? Hahahaha

Well, some of the sectors must have been stopped. However, some still run as usual. Take a look at my job. My job is teaching. We can teach in everywhere we go. Inside or outside the school. IF the school is closed, learning is still running, apparently. As it is stated "Once you stop learning, you start dying" - Albert Einstein. 

It is not a bad decision for me since I like to teach. I like talking and I like giving speech, It is a good combination to be a qualified teacher. Hahahaha Yet, it is not enough! Apart of having knowledge and skill to speak, having sophisticated skill in technology is absolutely needed for teachers at the moment.

In a short period, let say one week, I have explored and signed up more than 10 applications for Online Teaching and Learning Platform. I also have discovered some links, websites and ideas to give students happy time during this online meeting. Anyway, I teach 2nd grader. Can you even imagine that? 

What was I doing when I was a 2nd grader?
Memorizing multiplication until table 10 and having my cursive writing , that was the coolest thing I have ever made in Primary 2. But now? 2nd grader? 

Having a good time saying hello to their friends and teachers through virtual meeting and submitting some tasks through online platform as well. 

It would be something like soooo memorable for me and them (but please, only once in a life time okay). And I am so happy to accept that. Yesss I am so proud being a teacher and also a lecturer in the same time that I can't stop entertaining them with knowledge (even if there must be limited capacity for me to deliver the lesson, since everything depends on the internet connection, LOL) BUT I must be thankful for God really gives us this covid 19 where the technology has been developed around the globe especially in my country. 

What if, there is no internet? No live streaming? No virtual meeting? No Netflix and cable TV? No YouTube? No Socmed? No online shopping? No online delivery? OMG! We must be in the middle of great devastation. NO WiFi? Oh noooooo!!!

Sooo, "Gratefulness" is a keyword to be survived in this miserable time, since some people out there can't own everything I have right now, at least for settling and having some human basic needs. 

Thank God for everything, even if in this trouble time, I still believe You are here to save me and everyone. May God bless Indonesia, May God heal the world. 

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